"The secret of success is constancy to purpose." - Benjamin Disraeli


    Only the BEST, CLEAN, PREMIUM, QUALITY CANNABIS is used to create Legit Gold Premium Infused Joints. Experience the power of authenticity with our commitment to high-quality CLEAN ingredients. Whenever possible, ingredients are internally produced and refined to optimize the quality control process. We desire locally sourced goods and strive to avoid artificial additives and preservatives in all that we do.


    Our culture is rooted in authenticity, positivity, and compassion. We value diversity, inclusivity, and respect. Our small, family-oriented team is determined to make a positive impact and genuinely cares about the well-being and success of our community. At Legit, We prioritize continues learning, collaboration, innovation, and excellence in all that we do. As we grow, our success is measured by our commitment to these core values.


    Henry Ford once said, "Quality means doing it right when no one is looking." So often joints are made from “left-overs” and undesirable materials. Low quality goods are then OVER-HYPED and PUSHED. Why force it? We believe in building trust through consistency. Please reflect on the timeless words of wisdom from Benjamin Franklin, "The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten."